Theatrum Sanitatis

f. CXCIII, Erzähler


Story teller. Nature: the same as that of sleep. Best: when suited to the nature of those who wish to sleep. Beneficial: also for the enjoyment of those who wish to sleep. Detrimental when not merely one story teller is employed and many speak. To remedy the detriment: employ a single story teller.
(José Miguel García Calero)

f. CXCIII, Narrador


f. CXCIII, Erzähler

Story teller. Nature: the same as that of sleep. Best: when suited to the nature of those who wish to sleep. Beneficial: also for the enjoyment of those who wish to sleep. Detrimental when not merely one story teller is employed and many speak. To remedy the detriment: employ a single story teller.
(José Miguel García Calero)


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