Libro del Golf (Libro d’Ore)

ff. 18v-19r, calendario de enero

ff. 18v-19r, gennaio

The setting of the image is a winter landscape with a peasant in the foreground swinging an axe to chop wood whilst his wife gathers the pieces of wood into her apron. Inside the house behind them are two peasants sitting warming themselves by the fire in a stone hearth, an indication that they are comfortably off. In the background are several items: a windmill on a promontory with a peasant carrying his load towards it; a church with a person coming out of it [...] The landscape features several bare trees with snow-lined branches.

Folio 19r shows an image of Aquarius in the form of a naked, beardless man pouring two pitchers out. Underneath the medallion, the word 
“AQVARIVS” can be seen on a phylactery coiling around the quattrocento embellishments.

Depicted in cameo fashion in the bottom margin of the two folios are children or youths pulling sledges. Playing with sledges was depicted very early on, in the 15th century, along with skating. Bone sledges made of a horse’s jawbone were sometimes used – by the youngest children because of the size.

Carlos Miranda García-Tejedor
Doctor in History

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