Great Hours of Anne of Brittany

Masterpiece of French painting.

The Great Hours of Anne of Brittany is undoubtedly a masterpiece of French painting, as is fitting for a manuscript intended for someone who was twice queen of France: with Charles VIII and then Louis XII.

The folios of this codex feature veritable paintings rather than the miniatures usual in this type of book. Jean Bourdichon painted almost fifty full-page scenes with gold frames upon a ground of parchment dyed black. These miniatures are comparable to paintings on canvas or board not only because of their dimensions but also because of their foregrounds, use of perspective, pictorial technique, realism of the portraits, etc.

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Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
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Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Masterpiece of French painting.
150 €


4.93 (30 bewertungen insgesamt) 5 1 (30)

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Mehr Informationen


The Great Hours of Anne of Brittany is undoubtedly a masterpiece of French painting, as is fitting for a manuscript intended for someone who was twice queen of France: with Charles VIII and then Louis XII.

The folios of this codex feature veritable paintings rather than the miniatures usual in this type of book. Jean Bourdichon painted almost fifty full-page scenes with gold frames upon a ground of parchment dyed black. These miniatures are comparable to paintings on canvas or board not only because of their dimensions but also because of their foregrounds, use of perspective, pictorial technique, realism of the portraits, etc.


Format: 230x 340 mm
Seiten: 400
Illustrationen: 512
Sprachen: Englisch, Spanisch oder Französisch
ISBN: 978-84-96400-27-6


From the editor to the reader

Description of the manuscript
Marie-Pierre Laffitte (Curator in the department of Manuscripts, Bibliothèque nationale de France)

Anne of Brittany
Georges Minois (Historian of Brittany)

The plants in the Great Hours of Anne of Brittany
Michèle Bilimoff (Research engineer in archaeology, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS))

Iconography and iconology of the Great Hours of Anne of Brittany
Carlos Miranda García-Tejedor (Doctor in History)

Index of plants
Basic bibliography




Verfügbare Versionen


Great Hours of Anne of Brittany

Masterpiece of French painting.


Great Hours of Anne of Brittany

Masterpiece of French painting.


Great Hours of Anne of Brittany

Masterpiece of French painting.


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