f.57r, Prefiguration of the Annunciation: Moses before the burning bush and Gideon´s Fleece
The painting depicts a bearded Moses with long hair turned up at the end rather like horns, sitting on the ground. He is removing a shoe, having already removed the other, for, as the voice he hears from the bush tells him, he is in a holy area. Although the staff at his feet and the sheep in the background, which belong to Jethro, his father-in-law, make him look like a shepherd, he is not dressed as such. Before him stands a burning group of five trees with green crowns, from which the radiant bust of God emerges making a blessing. He is depicted with young traits – long hair and a very short beard - and imperial attributes such as his purple vestments, the globe (which is transparent and has a cross set upon it) and a tiara topped by a cross shape. To the rear is a large building whose typology is similar to contemporary, Flemish fortresses, in reference to the Turris Davidica, opposite a lake with two swans gliding across it.
Carlos Miranda García-Tejedor
Doctor in History