Theatrum Sanitatis

f. LXVIII, Sage

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Sage. Nature: hot in the first degree and dry in the second. Best when cultivated and its leaf. Beneficial for paralysis and the nerves. Detrimental: it blackens the hair. To remedy the detriment wash with a decoction of cultivated saffron and myrtle.
(José Miguel García Calero)

f. LXVIII, Salvia

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f. LXVIII, Sage

Sage. Nature: hot in the first degree and dry in the second. Best when cultivated and its leaf. Beneficial for paralysis and the nerves. Detrimental: it blackens the hair. To remedy the detriment wash with a decoction of cultivated saffron and myrtle.
(José Miguel García Calero)

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