Tacuinum Sanitatis

f. 22r, Leeks


Leeks. Nature: hot in the third degree, dry in the second. Optimum: wild, i.e. from the mountain, long. Benefit: they stimulate urination, favour intercourse and, with honey, clear colds from the chest. Harmful: for the brain and the senses. Remedy for harm: with sweet almond or sesame oil. Effects: hot blood and excess of yellow bile. Most advisable for cold [temperaments], old age, in winter, in northern [regions].

Porri Complectio calida in 3° sicca in 2° Electio naptici id est montani acuti Iuuamentum prouocant vrinam addunt in coytu et cum melle mundificant pectus a catarris Nocumentum cerebro et sensibus Remotio nocumenti cum oleo sisamico aut amigdalarum dulcium Quid generant sanguinem adustum et coleram acutam Conueniunt magis frigidis senectuti hyeme Septentrionalibus.

f. 22r, Puerros


f. 22r, Leeks

Leeks. Nature: hot in the third degree, dry in the second. Optimum: wild, i.e. from the mountain, long. Benefit: they stimulate urination, favour intercourse and, with honey, clear colds from the chest. Harmful: for the brain and the senses. Remedy for harm: with sweet almond or sesame oil. Effects: hot blood and excess of yellow bile. Most advisable for cold [temperaments], old age, in winter, in northern [regions].

Porri Complectio calida in 3° sicca in 2° Electio naptici id est montani acuti Iuuamentum prouocant vrinam addunt in coytu et cum melle mundificant pectus a catarris Nocumentum cerebro et sensibus Remotio nocumenti cum oleo sisamico aut amigdalarum dulcium Quid generant sanguinem adustum et coleram acutam Conueniunt magis frigidis senectuti hyeme Septentrionalibus.

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