Sweet cherries. Nature: cold in the second degree, wet in the third. Optimum: those with the firmest flesh, ripened in sunny spots and stony places. Benefit: they loosen the stomach. Harm: they go bad quickly, rot and cause flatulence. Remedy for harm: if eaten in moderate quantities, with a good, aromatic wine; if [eaten] in large quantities, with water and no other food, in order to digest them quickly and move the bowels. Effects: phlegmatic, bad blood. Most advisable for youth, hot and dry [temperaments], in summer, in any of the regions where they are found.
Cerasa dulcia. Complexio: frigida in 2º humida in 3º. Electio: duriorum carnium natarum in aspectu soli et locis petrosis. Iuuamentum: laxant uentrem. Nocumentum: corrumpunt cito et putrescunt et faciunt inflationem. Remotio nocumenti: si sumuntur in modica quantitate cum bono vino odoriso si in magna cum aqua et sine alio cibo ut cito lubricent et euacuentur. Quid generant: sanguinem flagmaticum et malum. Conueniunt magis iuuenibus calidis et siccis estate in quibus regionibus reperiuntur.
Sweet cherries. Nature: cold in the second degree, wet in the third. Optimum: those with the firmest flesh, ripened in sunny spots and stony places. Benefit: they loosen the stomach. Harm: they go bad quickly, rot and cause flatulence. Remedy for harm: if eaten in moderate quantities, with a good, aromatic wine; if [eaten] in large quantities, with water and no other food, in order to digest them quickly and move the bowels. Effects: phlegmatic, bad blood. Most advisable for youth, hot and dry [temperaments], in summer, in any of the regions where they are found.
Cerasa dulcia. Complexio: frigida in 2º humida in 3º. Electio: duriorum carnium natarum in aspectu soli et locis petrosis. Iuuamentum: laxant uentrem. Nocumentum: corrumpunt cito et putrescunt et faciunt inflationem. Remotio nocumenti: si sumuntur in modica quantitate cum bono vino odoriso si in magna cum aqua et sine alio cibo ut cito lubricent et euacuentur. Quid generant: sanguinem flagmaticum et malum. Conueniunt magis iuuenibus calidis et siccis estate in quibus regionibus reperiuntur.