Rutab, i.e. ripe dates. Nature: hot and wet in the second degree. Optimum: very ripe. Benefit: for the cold stomach. Harm: for the throat and the voice. Remedy for harm: with poppy seed gruel. Effects: bilious blood. Advisable for cold and wet [temperaments], in old age and in winter in the northern region.
Nutab id est dactilus maturus Complectio calida et humida in 2º Electio bene maturus Iuuamentum stomacho frigido Nocumentum gutturi et uoci Remotio nocumenti cum sauic et papauere Quid generant sanguinem coloricum Conueniunt frigidis et humidis decrepitis in hyeme et autumpno regione septentrionali.
Rutab, i.e. ripe dates. Nature: hot and wet in the second degree. Optimum: very ripe. Benefit: for the cold stomach. Harm: for the throat and the voice. Remedy for harm: with poppy seed gruel. Effects: bilious blood. Advisable for cold and wet [temperaments], in old age and in winter in the northern region.
Nutab id est dactilus maturus Complectio calida et humida in 2º Electio bene maturus Iuuamentum stomacho frigido Nocumentum gutturi et uoci Remotio nocumenti cum sauic et papauere Quid generant sanguinem coloricum Conueniunt frigidis et humidis decrepitis in hyeme et autumpno regione septentrionali.